Susan Pascal Beran

Kinetic Sculpture




of Pascal Beran Sculpture




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Susan Pascal Beran


Phone & FAX:   (415)456-5870



Standing they are Stabiles, hanging known as Mobiles, almost any of the sculptures can be made either way.  The advantage to having a piece made as a mobile is primarily one of space.   A mobile can fit where other sculptures cannot, under eves, in branches, high in an atrium or lobby, living room, or spiral star case.  They do well indoors.  Made lighter and freer than Stabiles, they move with the faintest breath of air.

Many people will consider mobiles because they do not have space for a free-standing sculpture.  But there are other reasons as well.   A mobile can live indoors with you more easily.  They float more gently, randomly.  There is a certain playfulness to the pendulating pulse. 





Based on a cloud configuration I saw in Georgia, this mobile configures colorful multi-directional juxtaposed swirling helixes all suspended within its own cat-tail shaped stand 

It is a mobile for mobility's sake as free standing as any stabile.  So when considering mobiles, be mobiley minded.  The designs here are just a few of the options.  Many of the stabiles are easily converted to be mobiles as well.  


SPLIT CIRCLES (at right)

Two outer semi-circles spin oppositely about the vertical while the two smaller inner circles roll oppositely around the horizontal.  The dancerly motion thus circumscribes globe within globe.


Or perhaps you have a wonderfully unique space that needs a mobile specially designed for it? A kinetic chandelier perhaps?  Or a spiral for a spiral stair case...the options are open.




MUSE'S GROOVE (at left)

Shown here as a stabile, Muse's Groove is most often a mobile.  The whimsical configuration of cloud-shaped elements float and turn with various speeds and directions.

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All work displayed on this website are the property of Susan Pascal Beran, and may not be copied nor used without her express permission.  © 2006/2007

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