Susan Pascal Beran

Kinetic Sculpture




of Pascal Beran Sculpture




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Susan Pascal Beran


Phone & FAX:   (415)456-5870




Simple yet elegant, timeless designs which transcend definition, these classics are tried and true works which have stood the test of time, climes, and remain the favorites.  They go beautifully in many different environments and settings, indoors as well as out.

While many of the sculptures can be defined as classic, the ones included here are exemplary.  They include Rosebud ( and the Rosebud family - Buddhafull, Starburst, etc.) Two in One, the Solar Systems and Two Hearts Beat as One.  Even their themes are universally classic. 

Rosebud sculpture, kinetic sculpture, kenetic, Kanetic, kinetic art, outdoor Art, outdoor sculpture, Moving sculpture, mobiles, wind sculpture, water sculpture, Yard Art, yard sculpture, garden Art, garden sculpture, park art, public art, stabiles, whirlygigs, whirly gigs, wind chimes, wind indicators, metal sculpture, monumental sculpture, corporate art, wind vanes, vains, wind mills, tell tales, movement, abstract sculpture, abstract art

Contemplation of the rosebud, like the lotus blossom, is a classic metaphor for discovery of the divine.


The Rosebud  (left) sculptures are upright, gracefully curving vessel or budlike forms enclosed in elegant art deco lines with inner moving kinetic elements.  The lines in motion have been compared to those of skaters dancing together.  Wind catcher can be circular, shell, tear-dropped, oval and more.

"The origin of the sculpture Rosebud and the role it has played is a beautiful and true story of expanding love, creativity, and healing in my life." 

      - Susan Beran Pascal

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According to many ancient belief systems, there are four directions which shape the universe.  This bronze sculpture has four kinetic elements which point symbolically and rotate in various directions about the horizontal.  A lyrical design, the catchers are delicately yet strongly attached at graceful balletic angles.  This sculpture can be activated by either wind or water.

Four Corners sculpture, kinetic sculpture, kenetic, Kanetic, kinetic art, outdoor Art, outdoor sculpture, Moving sculpture, mobiles, wind sculpture, water sculpture, Yard Art, yard sculpture, garden Art, garden sculpture, park art, public art, stabiles, whirlygigs, whirly gigs, wind chimes, wind indicators, metal sculpture, monumental sculpture, corporate art, wind vanes, vains, wind mills, tell tales, movement, abstract sculpture, abstract art




2 hearts sculpture, kinetic sculpture, kenetic, Kanetic, kinetic art, outdoor Art, outdoor sculpture, Moving sculpture, mobiles, wind sculpture, water sculpture, Yard Art, yard sculpture, garden Art, garden sculpture, park art, public art, stabiles, whirlygigs, whirly gigs, wind chimes, wind indicators, metal sculpture, monumental sculpture, corporate art, wind vanes, vains, wind mills, tell tales, movement, abstract sculpture, abstract art

And Love is evoked by the emotional unities and disunities of the kinetic drama of Two Hearts Beat as One.


A voluminously full and deliciously colorful piece whose propeller style hearts beat in unison and opposite directions about the horizontal, while the entire global body of the piece swirls about the vertical.  

Many different versions are available.






One of the original designs since 1982, the counter motion of the two internal circles spin within and at right angles to the outer surrounding circle.  An exciting dynamic piece displays an almost atomic integrity.

Two in One sculpture, kinetic sculpture, kenetic, Kanetic, kinetic art, outdoor Art, outdoor sculpture, Moving sculpture, mobiles, wind sculpture, water sculpture, Yard Art, yard sculpture, garden Art, garden sculpture, park art, public art, stabiles, whirlygigs, whirly gigs, wind chimes, wind indicators, metal sculpture, monumental sculpture, corporate art, wind vanes, vains, wind mills, tell tales, movement, abstract sculpture, abstract art


Two in One is the four dimensional equivalent of a yin yang symbol, where opposing dynamics operate within an integrated whole.  


Just as art is universal, it is also personal.  The Classic Series of designs have originated not only from universal inspiration but also from deeply personal experiences.

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All work displayed on this website are the property of Susan Pascal Beran, and may not be copied nor used without her express permission.  © 2006/2007

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