Susan Pascal Beran

Kinetic Sculpture




of Pascal Beran Sculpture




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Susan Pascal Beran


Phone & FAX:   (415)456-5870




"We know truth, not only by reason, but also by the heart"

    - Pascal, "Les Pensees"

There are mysteries we all contemplate.  A Brazilian rain forest medicine man must answer such questions that have been asked for all the ages, such as what or who are the stars, why do they travel so, and who made us?  The questions are the same, the answers vary, creating the color and diversity of the human vision.  In each answer, there is the truth of the speaker, so it is a part of the truth of the whole.  In each question, there is both courage and humility in facing a truth larger than oneself.  So the question is also a piece of truth.  I like to think that these sculptures are one part answer, two parts question. 

When people experience the sculptures, they appreciate my interpretation of them, but they also have their own understanding of the pieces as well, which enlightens me.

Most of the themes are drawn from nature, the world around us, since, ultimately, this is the best teacher and source of great inspiration.  That is why so many of these designs have universal or natural themes.  Keeping focused on these themes not only helps to continually be aware of the beauty all around us, but also keeps the designs archetypal and powerful in both form and function.



A full detailed solar system with three rings, most of the planets, and numerous other entities such as red giants, white dwarves, nebulae, many moons, black holes.

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I studied kelp and the archetypal form of fins at the Monterey Bay Aquarium.  Kelp can withstand the massive momentum of ocean currents, releasing energy as gentle gyrations.  The inner revolving piece is wrapped within the outer, oppositely turning fins.  The resulting movement is intimate and delightfully mysterious.

Yemayah.gif (44370 bytes) Ojo.JPG (20698 bytes)


This larger, colorful version of Pacific Mermaid uses powder coat enamel for drama and flair.  Also available in stainless.


A sea and sky theme configures the three tiered, tall rising, kinetic column. The lower element is reminiscent of dolphins or whales, the middle element, evokes an oceanic horizon of waves and clouds and the top element, prisms light arching through the stratosphere.  colors range from deep blue hues to soft dove grey shifting to saffron peach and ivory.  Pieces more at slow but constant speeds in different directions.  Like the expansive of the ocean, the great size (18' x 7' x 6') is breathtaking.

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All work displayed on this website are the property of Susan Pascal Beran, and may not be copied nor used without her express permission.  © 2006/2007

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