go round, cycle, repeat. Sometimes we find ourselves back where we
began, but fresher, newer, ready to go at it again with a whole new
inspiration. This is what my four year old daughter, Emily, has
been teaching me. She is an artist also, and "The Circle of
Life" is a theme that has occurred and reoccurred in her work for a
year now. Her first sculpture, in fact, was a circle of all of her
stuffed animals. When I asked her what it was, she told me it was
a circle of life. Excited, I ran and got my camera, and asked her
to get in her circle, so I could take a picture of her with it.
Instead of her stepping into the center of the circle, she joined in the
circumference of the circle, in the perimeter parade along with her
fluffy friends. Another eye opener for me. She has taught me to
participate fully in this circle, accept the go round, and delight in
these circles - days, seasons, cycles of the moon, and cycles of our
lives. And so this year I am celebrating the circle as a universal
symbol for the rhythm and rhyme of our lives. |

There is another more personal reason for me to
celebrate the circle as this years theme. I find that I have
come full circle with a lot of the designs. I am closing many classic
editions out, and recreating new editions along similar styles to take
their place. I have returned to the basics of design for outdoor
sculptures, but my approach has a deeper appreciation and renewed
commitment to the integrity of form and function. And, as with each
new cycle, there are new ideas, innovative approaches, glimpses of
potentials. It is very exciting for me, and a joyous way to be able to
share this quantum leap with you is to offer it to you in the
following way. |