Special Dragon Sale Sculptures:
Title: Blue Flame: small : Coeur du Dragon
Dimensions: Top is 18 inches tall, often set atop post up to 6 feet, Width is 16 inches
Materials: Stainless, mixed metal, glass, powder coat enamel
Kinetics: One finned element counter moves within the outer element while an internal glass element flashes delicate ribbons of light across the curved and Glass-like surfaces of the outer elements, creating the impression of internal luminescence.
Edition: 7 left in an edition of 10
Gallery Price: $7700.00
Sale Price: $3800.00
Title: Red Flame: medium, Dragon’s Flame
Dimensions: Top is 30 inches tall, often set atop post up to 8 feet, Width is 25 inches
Materials: Stainless, mixed metal, glass, powder coat enamel
Kinetics: One finned element counter moves within the outer element, wrapping around itself
Edition: 7 left in an edition of 10
Gallery Price: $9500.00
Sale Price: $4800.00
Title: Multi-Colored Flame: large: The Dragon Speaks
Dimensions: Top is 4 feet tall, often set atop post up to 10 feet, 40” diameter
Materials: Stainless, mixed metal, glass, powder coat enamel
Kinetics: One finned element counter moves within the outer element while an internal glass element flashes delicate ribbons of light across the curved and Glass-like surfaces of the outer elements, creating the impression of internal luminescence.
Edition: 6 left out of 10
Gallery Price: $15000.00
Sale Price: $7500.00
Title: Wind and Water Dragons II
Dimensions: 4-5 feet tall, 28 inches diameter
Materials: Mixed Metals, enamel, glass
Kinetics: Two helix’s adorned with enameled dragons swirl in opposite directions,
This piece is activated by both wind and water; it is lovely in rain
Edition: 3 left out of 20
Gallery Price: $6700.00
Sale Price: $3300.00
Title: Starburst E.N. med.
Dimensions: 6’ + tall, 49’’ diameter
Materials: Mixed Metals, enamel, glass
Kinetics: Elegant arching lines move in balletic counter rotations
Edition: 4 left out of 10
Gallery Price: $12,500.00
Sale Price: $4900.00
Title: Gone Fishing
Dimensions: 8’ x 28” diam.
Materials: Stainless, titanium, cast concrete base
Kinetics: Mobile on fish hook shaped stand of easily moving multi directional kinetic fishes, titanium coloration changes with light
Edition: One of a kind
Gallery Price: $1100.00
Sale Price: $5500.00
Title: Music of the Spheres, S.H. II
Dimensions: 12’ tall x 5’ diameter
Materials: Stainless
Kinetics: This sculpture was designed to be self-regulating in high winds; the Tapered design of the wind catchers create vortices which have a vacuum style drag Effect on the motion in high winds, causing them to slow. It also creates a subtle and silky Tai Chi like motion as the two elements orbit by at different angles, a dancerly motion.
Edition: 5 left out of 10
Gallery Price: $21000.00
Sale Price: $10500.00
Dimensions: 14’ x 8’ x 6’
Materials: Stainless, Titanium
Kinetics: Multiple kinetics are at play, with counter moving secondary branches, swirling helix’s, twirling end winged propellers, and the whole body moves round as well. The central structure is high grade alloy stainless for strength while the colored elements are strong and lightweight titanium. The titanium changes hues as light and movement changes, at times shimmering, and at other times subtly glowing.
Edition: One of a kind
Gallery Price: $35000.00
Sale Price: $25000.00