Susan Pascal Beran

Kinetic Sculpture




of Pascal Beran Sculpture




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Contact  Pascal Beran Sculptures email or phone

Susan Pascal Beran


Phone & FAX:   (415)456-5870




New! Introducing In Spire show 2008. Click on the button below to see emerging, unique and classic photos, video's and
more. This collection of gallery images is part of my new website launched in 2008 .

click on button above to see the Inspire show

One Planet - Ours!  Exciting new installation of Susan's work in Washington, DC, 2008

This site presents many of my designs for kinetic sculptures.  Most of these sculptures are externally activated.  My work has originated in response to a new universal sensibility as regards the human environment - one which seeks to contextualize itself within nature and the planet in a fashion which is balanced, harmonious, and consequently aesthetically compelling.  

Recent Installation Library Garden's Water Wall, Berkeley, CA.  Dedication on November 10.    New Detail Photos!  Susan's Dedication provides insight into the inspiration behind this work of art, as well as a tribute to the many people who helped make it a reality.

The works shown here are all kinetic free-standing mobiles or created for a specific site.  

Click here for movies of my sculpture.

By taking into consideration the variables of different environments, I am able to create exciting uniquely adapted designs.  While indoor pieces may be of lighter more plasticine materials, outdoor pieces are built to last.  Employing stainless and titanium for fortifying substructures, all weather aircraft components for super sensitive movement.  Many of the wind-catching elements use processes of deep-fire enameling, electrolysis, and acid baths for rich, permanent coloration.  The finished pieces are virtually maintenance free.  

The kinetic quality of these sculptures evokes a ballet of form and function.  The elements of wind, water and light provide the kinetic energy.

View some recently commissioned installations and the Links to:

Circle of Life Sculptures

Visit the Stars!

Visit the Studio Flame Virtual Exhibit

Visit the Phoenix Virtual Exhibit.

It has been said that the new millennium will concern itself with the biosphere.  This kind of Art is very much a part of that, and I look forward to expanding the diversity and scope of the design concepts presented within this website.  New possibilities - power generating, self-illuminating, musical, etc., - are all there to be explored.  In the meantime, please enjoy your visit to my website.

                            - Susan


Susan Pascal Beran creates kinetic wind, water, and light activated works of art for outdoors and indoors.


Her work is considered to be sculptural art:  kinetic sculpture, (sometimes misspelled: kenetic sculpture or kanetic sculpture), kinetic art, outdoor art, mobiles, wind sculpture, water sculpture, outdoor sculpture, garden art, garden sculpture, garden mobiles, wind chimes, wind indicators, metal sculpture, wind vanes.  All used to describe Susan Pascal Beran's works of art.



All work displayed on this website are the property of Susan Pascal Beran, and may not be copied nor used without her express permission.  © 2006/2007

This web site was created by an artist for an artist.  For website information or comments, please contact the WebMaven